3 TBSP flax seeds ground in coffee grinder
1 c carrot pulp, left from juicing (I just put the carrots through the Champion without a screen)
1 c sunflower seeds, ground
6 TBSP finely minced onion
2 TBSP finely minced red pepper
1/2 c finely minced celery
2 TBSP finely minced parsley
2 tsp liquid aminos
To make it faster just chop the veggies in a food processor
in a bowl combine the ground flax seed with 6 TBSP water, let stand
In another bowl mix everything else then add the flax and mix thoroughly
add more water if necessary so that the mixture can be formed into patties
form into patties the size you like
dehydrate for 2-3 hours
flip and remove teflex sheet
dehydrate a couple more hours
don't let them get too crispy as they taste different than if they are still some what wet