I know New Year’s Resolutions! They have been broken, lost and abandoned so many times in the past many of us wonder “why even bother?”. There are lots of reasons why we fail. So many of us just toss out a resolution we think we should be doing and by doing so set ourselves up for failure. We need to make the reason for the resolution as serious as the resolution itself. Don’t just resolve to eat better. Do it so you can see your great grand children. Do it so you won’t be a burden to your children and you can enjoy your aging years by being active, dancing and walking the beach. If you need some inspiration go to any hospital or nursing home. I guarantee you’ll find more than enough reasons to stick with your resolutions
This year I suggest you give it some serious thought. Make your resolution something you will stick with. I have some suggestions on how. First, make it as specific as you can. Instead of loose weight make your resolution “to eliminate sugar from my diet on Mon Wed and Fri”. Once I have successfully done that for 1 month I will eliminate sugar every day of the week. WRITE IT DOWN! I repeat be as specific as possible and write it down. Hang it where you can see it, put it on a CD or cassette and listen to it every morning or play it in your car. Studies have shown that written goals are attained more often than those not written.
Make those resolutions incremental, specific, easy to keep track.
Here are some general ideas:
1. Begin again on the exercise routine you have abandoned, (I know you have one). At the very least stretch every day, park way out in the parking lot at EVERY store and walk briskly to the entrance. Take the stairs. Jump on your rebounder. GET MOVING.
2. Breathe deeply 4-5 times before consuming any food. Oxygen is a powerful component. Deep breathing any time you think of it is an excellent habit
3. Practice positive thinking and forgiveness
4. Get adequate sleep. If you are not going into stage 4 sleep several times a night your body does not have time to heal itself. Small cuts, bruises and large injuries will take much longer to heal. Internal cleansing can never take place.
5.Join Cricket’s e-mail support group by clicking on the link at the end of this message titled "To unsubcribe/change profile: click here" then click on the list "Resolutions Support"
6. Google “New Year’s Resolutions” and read some stories there
Diet changes:
In the messages below I am have suggestions to take your diet and lifestyle to the next level depending on where you are now. So find the heading that is closest to your current self and see if there is anything in my ideas that appeal to you. If not plan your own, but do think about it and make 2009 the year you made improvements that stuck.
Been All Raw for a while
Take it to the next level.
- Cut back on the amount of dehydrated foods you are eating.
- Cut back on the amount of fat.
- Consider purchasing the book The 80/10/10 Diet
“ by Douglas Graham and begin to move toward eating that way
Eating the Standard American Diet, fast food, meat, junk food
- Eat only fruit for breakfast
- Eat all raw food two days a week
- Cut out meat 3 days a week
- Eat a large salad before lunch and dinner, then have smaller portions of your normal meal
- Cut out refined sugar
- Add more green smoothies to your diet, possibly as one meal. Read Green for Life
- In this category you have only one direction to go….UP! Make incremental changes and stick with them. You will be surprised at the changes you notice
- For inspiration go to:
Woman goes raw, loses more than half herself
- Begin cutting out the other animal products you have been consuming and move toward being vegan.
- Cut back on the amount of fats you are consuming
- Eat more fruit
- Follow food combining rules
- Have more raw foods
- Eat more fruit
- If you are still consuming junk food, cut it out 3 days a week